Expiare, we play music
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Up in Smoke went excellent, despite the fact that 75 out of 83 people walked out during our first song. We thank everyone who came and supported us in Mexico on Sunday.
The Battle of the Bands is coming to MACC's Activity Center on November 30. We plan to play around 9:00 or so.
We now have audio clips and downloadable songs on our website. Check 'em out if you're interested.

October 4

Band practice determined we will have a half hour set of original songs and a half hour set of praise songs as well. The total show should be an hour long or so.
We will get a map to the church soon.

October 2

We have recorded a 10 track CD successfully, but do not have any ready to be sold yet. We will be playing in Mexico, MO on October 21. More information is to come.

September 3

Today we recorded our second CD. This one has the two songs from the demo and two more will follow soon. The orded of this CD is I Still Love You, Mouth, Don't Forget, Only One, and Mouth (Reprise). MP3 clips will be available shortly. Please stay tuned and come back soon to see our progress.

August 27

Sunday afternoon (yesterday), Expiare completed their first demo. There are two songs on it, I Still Love You, and Don't Forget. Hopefully there will be a full CD (or at least an EP) to offer to the public within the next few months. Soon there will be audio clips of the demo songs online. Until then, we are just going to leave you hanging.

August 24

Having just completed their third practice, Expiare will be going into the studio to record their first EP on Sunday the 26th. There will be six songs on this EP (that is all they have right now). The recording is courtesy of Shawn Ames, who has volunteered to produce and oversee the recording. For more information on Shawn, check out his music under "Diligence" at MP3.com.